Hillcroft Fixtures

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Oct05Spencer13 - 6Hillcroft 1Prem
Hillcroft 27 - 5Purley Raptors D2
12Hillcroft 18 - 11HitchinPrem
Camden Capybaras 3 4 - 17Hillcroft 2D2
19Hillcroft 1R - RCamden Capybaras SE1
Camden Capybaras 2 8 - 9Hillcroft 2SE2
26Hampstead9 - 9Hillcroft 1Prem
Nov02Camden Capybaras 5 - 15Hillcroft 1Prem
Hillcroft 210 - 0 w/oOxford UniD2
09Hillcroft 18 - 7Spencer 2Prem
Camden Capybaras 2 9 - 3Hillcroft 2D2
16Reading Wildcats 4 - 15Hillcroft 1SE1
23Hillcroft 18 - 13SpencerPrem
Purley Raptors R - RHillcroft 2D2
30Hampstead0 - 10 w/oHillcroft 1SE1
Spencer 39 - 1Hillcroft 2SE2
Dec07Hillcroft 1R - RSpencerSE1
WalcountiansR - RHillcroft 2SE2
Jan11Hillcroft 1R - RSpencerSE1
18Spencer 29 - 11Hillcroft 1SE1
Hillcroft 25 - 10HitchinSE2
25Hillcroft 10 - 10 w/oCamden Capybaras SE1
Hillcroft 212 - 13Welwyn Warriors SE2
Feb01Hitchin 2pmHillcroft 1 Prem
Hillcroft 213 - 5Camden Capybaras 3 D2
08Hillcroft 114 - 5HampsteadPrem
Bath4 - 14Hillcroft 2D2
15Hillcroft 111 - 8Camden Capybaras Prem
Oxford Uni0 - 10 w/oHillcroft 2D2
22Hillcroft 217 - 6BathD2
Mar01Spencer 25 - 12Hillcroft 1Prem
Hillcroft 27 - 7Camden Capybaras 2 D2
08Purley Raptors 11 - 4Hillcroft 2D2
Hillcroft 24 - 11Purley Raptors SE2
15Walcountians 2pmHillcroft 2 SE2

Key: R - R = Rearranged/postponed, w/o = walkover

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